Tim Powers
Law Office of Tim Powers
When Illinois legislators pass new criminal laws, they're often reacting to a tragic event that's made the news.
That's what happened this year with "Caylee's Law," which
goes into effect January 1st. People were riveted by the 2011 murder trial
of Casey Anthony.
Among the more salacious details of the case was the allegation that her
two-year-old daughter Caylee had been missing for a month before police
were notified.
After a jury acquitted Casey Anthony, several Illinois lawmakers competed
to make it illegal to NOT report the death or disappearance of one's
child to the authorities.
They called it Caylee's Law, and Democratic Representative Jack Franks,
from Marengo, won the race. He debated the measure earlier this year:
FRANKS "Though it may seem untenable that any parent would fail to report their child's death, unfortunately it appears that we need a criminal law that requires it."
But critics say this is already covered by Illinois' obstruction of
justice laws.
Democratic Senator Bill Haine of Alton is a former state's attorney.
HAINE "This is a purely political act. And it will be forgotten in a fortnight after it passes."
Nevertheless, the measure was approved without a single lawmaker voting "no." (Brian Mackey)
This article was found at: http://wuisnews.wordpress.com/2012/12/31/caylees-law-indicative-of-legislative-reaction-to-crime/
If you are seeking aggressive criminal representation by an experienced criminal defense attorney for your Denton County criminal case or arrest in Denton County, contact the offices of Tim Powers today. There is no charge or obligation for the initial consultation. 940.580.2899.
*Tim Powers is an attorney licensed to practice law by the Supreme Court of Texas. Nothing in this article is intended to be legal advice. For legal advice about any specific legal question you should directly consult an attorney.