Former Municipial Court Judge

Former Assistant District Attny.

Denton County Office 940-580-2899
Collin County Office 972-954-1947

A suspected drunken driver was charged with murder in Plano- Law Offices of Tim Powers, Denton, Texas

Tim Powers

Law Offices of Tim Powers, Denton Texas

940.580.2899 940.483.8000

Twenty-two year old Benjamin Kevin Newman was initially charged with driving while intoxicated, and is now being charged with murder and with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. He is currently being held at the Collin County jail and his bond is set at $200,000.

He was accused of charging down a group of people outside a bar in Plano with his car, after he was kicked out of the bar. Officials say he was kicked out of the bar due to an incident that occurred.

Newman left the parking lot in his white Sedan “but he returned minutes later,” says Valerie Wigglesworth, Dallas Morning News.

When Newman returned he accelerated his speed and rammed three employees from the bar and Newman’s friend Christopher Ryan Brigman. Two of the bar employees were treated at the scene and “the third was hospitalized due to serious injuries,” said Wigglesworth. Newman’s friend was in critical condition and died a few days later.

Newman could face up to life in prison for a murder assault with a deadly weapon.

If you are seeking aggressive criminal representation by an experienced criminal defense attorney for your Denton County criminal case or arrest in Denton County, contact the offices of Tim Powers today. There is no charge or obligation for the initial consultation. 940.580.2899

*Tim Powers is an attorney licensed to practice law by the Supreme Court of Texas. Nothing in this article is intended to be legal advice. For legal advice about any specific legal question you should directly consult an attorney. Criminal Defense Lawyers with Unparalleled Passion for Success Providing Quality Representation for your Denton, Lewisville, Flower Mound, Carrollton, Corinth, Highland Village Dallas, Plano, McKinney, Denton County, Tarrant County, Collin County, or Dallas County criminal case